Monday, February 28, 2011

{Anna's No.12} Weekend Outing in Christmas Colours?

Just the other day, it was pretty strange as I was humming a Christmas Carol. I know... it's still beginning of the year and that Christmas is not till December. I guess Christmas somehow puts me in a different place and completely different mood. It's like nothing could stop me from just being happy, chirpy and above all nothing could tick me off like a time bomb.

The only thing bad probably you might think is "Oh god! what was she thinking, wearing those colours?" Oh I said.. nothing could put me in a fowl mood if I think it's Christmas every single day. However,  this don't happen all the time as I fear my colleagues will think that I'm kuku. Lol..

Remember that top I just recently showcased? The F21 top, that I boast how comfy it was? Well, yeah.. guilty as charged..I kindna' wore it again over the weekend. Call me lazy, but then some of my remixes were in the wash and waiting to be ironed.

I'm such a sucker for cardis, and I think I should really drop that fetish of mine. What do you think? I can't believe that I paired my F21 top with one of my fav green cardi... Now, to reveal the outfit [drumrolls]..
ta-da [okay, I don't usually say this but it was to heighten up the effect] Did it work?



  1. WOW you colour block so well! i'm envious dear x

  2. Hey Jamie-Lee, awwww..don't be envious of me dear.. I'm envious of the variety you get your hands on ;p. Do stop by more often and chat about fashion anytime k. Love your stylish blog and your shoes. My best buddy will love them as she's crazy over heels!


  3. It's impressive that you rocked this color combo without looking all Chrismas-y. My hat's off.


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