About Us

Steph and I have been so fortunate to have met one another. We are really good friends where both of us have gone through a lot together since our pre-teen years. That's all.. now yonks ago. As we grew older, we started recording every single moment of our friendship. At times, we would go through our old photo albums looking back at all the crazy fun stuff we did and shared.

What do we both have in common? I can certainly say that we LOVE dressing up, travelling in style, shopping, all the itsy bitsy luxury and above all enjoying every single thing in life that have so much to offer.

So much so.. we are now starting our very own style blog. The blog came about after being much inspired by Kendi from Kendi Everyday and other fashionistas. To hit off our blog, we took part in our very first 30 for 30 Remixes challenge.

Therefore, we greatly appreciate every single readers who stopped by or even became a follower. For those who stopped by, do come back as we promise that we will improve as time goes by. And as for those who follow us, we hope you have been inspired by us as much as you have inspire us.

What can I say about us in a nutshell?
We are definitely unpretentious bubbly no-nonsense chicks who strive to be the best we can be!


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