Thursday, May 26, 2011

Travel: Melbournian

I saw this apartment called The Melburnian while strolling around. That gave me an "A-HA" moment. I think I'm a Melbournian at heart, and I'm not afraid to announce to the whole wide world, LOLs. Or I maybe more than that..hmmph.. now that got me thinking.

Okay, perhaps the photos says, "yeah, she's just a plain tourist". However I warn you not, my fair maiden that deep down.. I pretty much know Melbourne at the back of my head. That's how much I walked around the city or suburbs to think that I might have just power walked to make up for all the calories I consumed.



  1. oh man, this makes me want to travel even more. so cool! great pics, lady:)

  2. thanks meredith! do travel when you can. love your blog. really gets me thinking twice about the clothes i own. hugggsss..


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